Jokaisesta takista, laukusta ja taskusta löytyy aina kakkapusseja <3
Koiran herkkuja löytyy pikku pussukoissa sieltä täältä ja tuolta <3
Lattialla lojuu epämääräisiä puoliksi imeskeltyjä eläinten osia kuten korvia, kärsiä ja suteja <3
Omia sukkia löytyy välillä yllättävistä paikoista <3
Hauvan herkkulaatikossa on enemmän ja suurempi valikoima herkkuja kun omassa <3
Sohvalle tai sängylle istahtaessa pitää aina tarkistaa ensin ettei siellä vällyjen ja tyynyjen välissä tai alla ole pieni koira päiväunilla <3
Valkoisia karvoja on joka puolella... <3
Kotiin tullessa ovella odottaa aina ylitsevuotavaisen ihanan iloinen rakas karvakorva joka ei tiedä miten päin olisi <3 <3 <3
Nuuskimisiin! ^..^
EN: How do you know there's a (spoilt) dog in the house?
There are squeaky toys everywhere.
There are poopy bags in every jacket, pocket, bag and purse.
There are little treaty bags everywhere.
There are several suspicious and half eaten body parts of different animals on the floor, such as snouts, ears and tails...
You find your socks in strange places.
Dog's goody drawer has more stuff in it that your own does.
When ever sitting on the sofa or bed you must first check there are no little dogs napping under the duvets or pillows.
White hair and fur everywhere!
When you come home there's an overjoyed little puppy welcoming you, always as excited to see you again. <3
Sniff you later! ^..^
EN: How do you know there's a (spoilt) dog in the house?
There are squeaky toys everywhere.
There are poopy bags in every jacket, pocket, bag and purse.
There are little treaty bags everywhere.
There are several suspicious and half eaten body parts of different animals on the floor, such as snouts, ears and tails...
You find your socks in strange places.
Dog's goody drawer has more stuff in it that your own does.
When ever sitting on the sofa or bed you must first check there are no little dogs napping under the duvets or pillows.
White hair and fur everywhere!
When you come home there's an overjoyed little puppy welcoming you, always as excited to see you again. <3
Sniff you later! ^..^
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