Woof! Have you ever wondered how all my pictures are so perfect? Well, might be so that in order to get one perfect photo Mami needs to take several (dozens) pictures. Which means we've got quite a few not so perfect snaps in our archives and I thought I'd share some of them with you. Why should one always be so gorgeous? Can't one be a little funny and weird sometimes? Here goes!
Here we were trying to picture my welcome home ceremony.
Tälle ei löydy mitään selitystä. Mami ja Mamin oudot visiot..
I have no explanation for this one. Mami and her weird visions..
Meidän veljesten leikit on niin vauhdikkaita ettei kamera pysy perässä.
Most of the pictures taken of me playing turn out like this.
Ei kai se haittaa vaikka joku osa minusta olisi kuvan ulkopuolella... Salamannopeana ehdin liikahtaa ennen kun kamera räpsähtää!
Terrible cropping. But it's not easy to catch me on camera being fast as a lightening as I am!
Pientä epätarkkuutta?
Not exactly sharp..
Ei paljon kiinnostanut poseeraus tuossa roikkuessa!
Didn't feel like posing right then!
No nyt on todistettu että minäkin olen tavallinen kuolevainen. Oliko paha shokki, uskolliset fanini? Nuuskimisiin! ^..^
Well now I've proved that I'm just a regular immortal after all. Did that come as a shock to you fans? Sniff ya soon! ^..^
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