Tänään sain juhlan kunniaksi käydä herkkulaatikolla valitsemassa jonkun herkkupalan ja valitsin pehmeän lihatikun.
Herkut ovat muuten aika terveellistä sorttia, kanaa ja ankkaa lähinnä eikä mitään pullamössöä. Vaikka kyllä minulle pullakin kelpaisi :)
Illemmalla Mamilla olikin minulle mahtava yllätys, lähdimme puistoon tapaamaan Korhosta! Emme olleetkaan pariin viikkoon nähneet, leikkiä ja riehumista taas riitti!
Korhonen kertoi hänkin olleensa mökillä käymässä juhannuksena, onko niitä mökkejä siis enemmänkin kun vain meidän? Tätä pitääkin tutkia. Ehkä voisin käydä siellä Korhosen mökillä myös joku päivä!
Kotimatkalla olisin halunnut vähän hätyyttää ruohikolla syöviä suuria lintuja mutta tuo kaksijalkainen remmin toisessa päässä pisti hanttiin.
Joku päivä vielä karkaan ja ajan kaikki lentäjät pois minun reitiltäni!!
Vedessäkin uiskenteli jotain kellujia mutta ne saivat olla rauhassa ettei tassuni vaan pääse kastumaan.
Nyt kutsuu unirekku, huomenna uudet seikkailut!
Nuuskimisiin! ^..^
EN: Six months ago was Christmas day and four tiny puppies were born. I was one of them! So small and helpless. Could you believe what a strong and experienced fellow I am now a few months later?As a birthday present I got to choose something from the goodie drawer and got this meaty soft stick as a treat. You might wonder why I've got so many treats but I can assure you they're mostly very healthy with chicken and duck breast and such.
In the evening Mami had a fab surprise for me as we went to a park to meet my brother Korhonen! I haven't seen him in a while so we had a blast playing on the lawn. Korhonen told me also he's been to a summer cottage lately and I had no idea there are so many! Maybe I should visit his one day!
On my way home I wanted badly to chase some big birds but the human at the other end of my leash wouldn't let me! I also saw some floaters in the water but decided to stay dry and let them float around.
Now I'm off to sleep so see you soon!
Sniff you around! ^..^
EN: Six months ago was Christmas day and four tiny puppies were born. I was one of them! So small and helpless. Could you believe what a strong and experienced fellow I am now a few months later?As a birthday present I got to choose something from the goodie drawer and got this meaty soft stick as a treat. You might wonder why I've got so many treats but I can assure you they're mostly very healthy with chicken and duck breast and such.
In the evening Mami had a fab surprise for me as we went to a park to meet my brother Korhonen! I haven't seen him in a while so we had a blast playing on the lawn. Korhonen told me also he's been to a summer cottage lately and I had no idea there are so many! Maybe I should visit his one day!
On my way home I wanted badly to chase some big birds but the human at the other end of my leash wouldn't let me! I also saw some floaters in the water but decided to stay dry and let them float around.
Now I'm off to sleep so see you soon!
Sniff you around! ^..^