Lupasin tulla kertomaan teille uutisia!
Minusta on tulossa iso poika. Minulla vaihtuvat nimittäin hampaat! Niitä kutittaa aika paljon ja olen joutunut vähän jyrsimään sitä sun tätä kotona jotta kutina helpottaisi. Ihan pikkuisia juttuja vaan kuten parvekkeen puutralleja ja lattialla ollutta rottinkikoria. Onhan minulla myös luita joka lähtöön, grillattu luu, sonnin suti, dental stick luita, possunkorvia... Minusta tulee nyt tosi pelottava ja kasvatan hurjat torahampaat!
Olen myös saanut isojen poikien kaulapannan. Katsokaas!
Leveä nahkainen panta missä on myös huivi. Kylläpä olen siitä ylpeä!
Sunnuntaina koirapuistossa löytyi minulle uusi tyttökaveri Helmi, joka oli tosi paljon samannäköinen kuin minä itse! Tunnistatkos kumpi on kumpi?
Puistoreissu loppui kuitenkin vähän ikävästi kun sadekuuro yllätti ja kastuimme kotimatkalla aivan läpimäriksi. Minulla oli hirmuisen kylmä mutta onneksi Mami otti minut ja kuraiset tassuni takkinsa sisään. Kotona menin heti lämpimän peiton alle nukkumaan.
Mutta onpa vielä yksi juttu. Nimittäin olen oppinut myös merkkailemaan ulkona ja jalkakin nousee hienosti! Joka kulmaan pitää vähän ruksata että toiset koirat tietävät minun olevan kulmakunnan kauhu. Välillä nostan jalkaa niin korkealle etten meinaa pysyä pystyssä kolmella jalalla.
Tasapainoharjoittelua pitää siis vielä treenata!
Nuuskimisiin! ^..^
EN: Woof dear friends! So I promised to come back soon to tell you some exciting news. I'm getting new teeth! Old ones are falling out and new ones are already sticking out a little. They do tickle a bit so I've had to chew around just a little, just minor things like the wooden floor boards on the balcony or the wickory basket on the floor.. No biggie! Now I'm going to grow huge and scary fangs!
I also got a new leather collar with a bandana attached, pretty cool huh!?
I made a new lady friend at the dog park, her name is Helmi ("Pearl") and she looks exactly like me! Can you tell us apart? We had a nasty ending to our dog park visit though as it starting raining heavily and we got soaked on our way back home. I was completely wet and freezing, luckily Mami saved me and put me inside her coat to keep me warm. I was sure to snuggle under a warm blanket as soon as I got home!
Oh but another thing to tell you guys! I've learned to lift my foot up when I wee! And I've learned to mark other doggies smells too so practically I have to stop every 1/2 meters to lift that back leg! Still got some balancing issues though that I need to work on as it's hard to stand on three legs only. Gotta go and practice I guess!
Sniff you soon! ^..^
IT: Ciao cari amici! Vi ho promesso di tornare presto con le notizie. Allora, mi cambiano i dentini! Fanno anché solletico quindi ho dovuto un pochino masticare un po di cose a casa. Ma solo cose piccole. Niente di grave! Ho anché un nuovo collare con una bandana! Molto figo!
Ho conosciuto una nuova amica al parco, si chiama Helmi ("Perla"). Siamo quasi uguali, vero? All'improvviso é cominciato a piovere tantissimo e ci siamo bagnati totalmente. Fortunatamente Mami mi ha messo sotto la giacca alla fine, era piú caldo lí dentro. Appena tornati a casa sono andato a dormire sotto la coperta calda.
Ma c'é pure un'altra cosa! Che ho imparato ad alzare la gamba mentre faccio pipí :) Adesso la faccio ogni 1/2 metri solo per diventare piú bravo, anché se devo ancora trovare l'equilibrio con tre gambe solo.
Ci sniffiamo presto! ^..^
EN: Woof dear friends! So I promised to come back soon to tell you some exciting news. I'm getting new teeth! Old ones are falling out and new ones are already sticking out a little. They do tickle a bit so I've had to chew around just a little, just minor things like the wooden floor boards on the balcony or the wickory basket on the floor.. No biggie! Now I'm going to grow huge and scary fangs!
I also got a new leather collar with a bandana attached, pretty cool huh!?
I made a new lady friend at the dog park, her name is Helmi ("Pearl") and she looks exactly like me! Can you tell us apart? We had a nasty ending to our dog park visit though as it starting raining heavily and we got soaked on our way back home. I was completely wet and freezing, luckily Mami saved me and put me inside her coat to keep me warm. I was sure to snuggle under a warm blanket as soon as I got home!
Oh but another thing to tell you guys! I've learned to lift my foot up when I wee! And I've learned to mark other doggies smells too so practically I have to stop every 1/2 meters to lift that back leg! Still got some balancing issues though that I need to work on as it's hard to stand on three legs only. Gotta go and practice I guess!
Sniff you soon! ^..^
IT: Ciao cari amici! Vi ho promesso di tornare presto con le notizie. Allora, mi cambiano i dentini! Fanno anché solletico quindi ho dovuto un pochino masticare un po di cose a casa. Ma solo cose piccole. Niente di grave! Ho anché un nuovo collare con una bandana! Molto figo!
Ho conosciuto una nuova amica al parco, si chiama Helmi ("Perla"). Siamo quasi uguali, vero? All'improvviso é cominciato a piovere tantissimo e ci siamo bagnati totalmente. Fortunatamente Mami mi ha messo sotto la giacca alla fine, era piú caldo lí dentro. Appena tornati a casa sono andato a dormire sotto la coperta calda.
Ma c'é pure un'altra cosa! Che ho imparato ad alzare la gamba mentre faccio pipí :) Adesso la faccio ogni 1/2 metri solo per diventare piú bravo, anché se devo ancora trovare l'equilibrio con tre gambe solo.
Ci sniffiamo presto! ^..^
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