Tämä on sellainen paikka missä saa juosta vapaana ja pissailla joka paikkaan! Tykkään! Laumana minulla on täällä johdettavana kuusi kaksijalkaista sekä nelijalkainen ystäväni Rolle. Täällä on myös paljon kuusi- ja kahdeksanjalkaisia tyyppejä joita on kiva metsästää. Ja joku pitkä luikerotyyppi joka sai kaikki ihmiset vauhkoamaan.
Automatka meni ripeästi kun vedin zetaa omassa kopissa
Ensimmäinen päivä meni juostessa ja tutkiessa joka kanto ja kolo. Pari kertaa oli pakko vähän hepuloida kun niin innostuin uudesta vapaudestani. Rollen luita on kiva varastaa, heti kun silmä välttää nappaan sen herkut salamannopeasti jalkojen alta hyökkäämällä. Ja sitten juoksen karkuun!
Kamalasti täällä on hommia kun pitää vahtia kuuden kaksijalkaisen menemisiä. Ja tietysti Rollen. Ekana päivänä ja yönä en meinannut malttaa nukkua ja nyt olenkin ollut tosi väsynyt.
Yöllä olikin jännää kun illan hämärtyessä ihmiset sytyttivät suuren ja kuuman kokon, minä kyllä tykkään lämpimästä ja menin niin lähelle että melkein partakarvat kärähtivät.
Olen huomannut että on hyvä mitä enemmän ihmisiä on läsnä koska kaikilta saa vähän herkkuja salaa pöydän alla. Ei ole nappulat tällä reissulla maistuneet..
Taidanpa jäädä tänne mökille asumaan!
Nuuskimisiin! ^..^
EN: Woof friends! And greetings from the summer cottage! My first time here, very exciting. Practically this is a place where I can run free and wee everywhere I want! How cool is that!? My pack here consists of 6 humans and Rolle, so I've got lots of guarding to do! There are also 6- and 8 legged creatures that I like to hunt. There was also an incident with a slimy long slithery fellow that made all humans go a bit crazy!
I had a nice nap in the car on the way there and was full of energy, checking out every hole and corner of this new exciting place. I was also entertaining Rolle by jumping up on his face and trying to bite his cheek and by stealing his juicy bones. He didn't seem too amused for some reason though. I had trouble calming down because everything was so cool and I was up pretty much for the whole night too. Then of course I was exhausted the next day and had to nap a lot during the day.
There was a huge bonfire one night and as I love warmth I went so close my whiskers nearly burned! People were throwing sticks on the bonfire and I was trying to catch them. Such nice games the humans come up with!
I've noticed the more humans around the more beneficial for me because I get many treats. They've tried offering me the boring old dry food too but I haven't touched it, apart from Rolle's because it's so much better than mine. But I got told off doing that so had to stop (and do it secretly behind their backs).
I think I'll just stay here at the summer cottage!
Sniff you soon! ^..^
EN: Woof friends! And greetings from the summer cottage! My first time here, very exciting. Practically this is a place where I can run free and wee everywhere I want! How cool is that!? My pack here consists of 6 humans and Rolle, so I've got lots of guarding to do! There are also 6- and 8 legged creatures that I like to hunt. There was also an incident with a slimy long slithery fellow that made all humans go a bit crazy!
I had a nice nap in the car on the way there and was full of energy, checking out every hole and corner of this new exciting place. I was also entertaining Rolle by jumping up on his face and trying to bite his cheek and by stealing his juicy bones. He didn't seem too amused for some reason though. I had trouble calming down because everything was so cool and I was up pretty much for the whole night too. Then of course I was exhausted the next day and had to nap a lot during the day.
There was a huge bonfire one night and as I love warmth I went so close my whiskers nearly burned! People were throwing sticks on the bonfire and I was trying to catch them. Such nice games the humans come up with!
I've noticed the more humans around the more beneficial for me because I get many treats. They've tried offering me the boring old dry food too but I haven't touched it, apart from Rolle's because it's so much better than mine. But I got told off doing that so had to stop (and do it secretly behind their backs).
I think I'll just stay here at the summer cottage!
Sniff you soon! ^..^
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