Olen jonkin verran harjoitellut kävelyä ja se sujuikin ihan mallikkaasti. Mutta pöydällä seisominen ei ole minun juttuni ollenkaan!
Sen jälkeen kun olin kipitellyt kehässä minulle annettiin jotkut värikkäät härpäkkeet ja Mami vaikutti tosi tyytyväiseltä.
Minusta hauskinta oli kuitenkin siskoni Bambin kanssa leikkiminen! Bambi suoriutui muuten hienosti näyttelystä, onnea siskolle!
Nyt saa näyttelypuuhat jäädä hetkeksi aikaa. Mutta tekemisestä ei ole puutetta, minulla on pari ajatusta jo muhimassa... Tulee mukava syksy!
Lisää näyttelykuvia tulossa vielä myöhemmin.
Nuuskimisiin! ^..^
EN: Woof! I've had an exciting weekend, participated in two dog shows and did pretty well! I was good at the walking part but I hate to stand on the tall table, it makes me feel dizzy! After running around they gave me some colourful thingies and Mami seemed really happy. But the thing I enjoyed the most was playing with my sister Bambi, who did extremely well in the show by the way. Congrats sister!
Now I'm going to take a break of the shows because I've got other plans for this autumn.. going to be an exciting one! Stay tuned for more pics from the shows.
Sniff you soon! ^..^
EN: Woof! I've had an exciting weekend, participated in two dog shows and did pretty well! I was good at the walking part but I hate to stand on the tall table, it makes me feel dizzy! After running around they gave me some colourful thingies and Mami seemed really happy. But the thing I enjoyed the most was playing with my sister Bambi, who did extremely well in the show by the way. Congrats sister!
Now I'm going to take a break of the shows because I've got other plans for this autumn.. going to be an exciting one! Stay tuned for more pics from the shows.
Sniff you soon! ^..^
1 kommentti:
Pitääpi Lumin haastatella Jetiä kun seuraavan kerran tapaavat, saa Jeti jakaa kokemuksiaan jotta Lumi tietää mihin on joutumassa :)) Hienot ruusukkeet!
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