Tämä taktiikka toimi niin, että ensin herätin Mamin aikaisin aamulla vinkumalla sängyn laidalla jolloin minut nostettiin sänkyyn hetkeksi kainaloon köllimään. Pikkuhiljaa aloin vinkumaan jo aiemmin yöllä ja niin kauan kunnes minut vihdoin päästettiin sänkyyn jotta ihmiset voisivat jatkaa unia. Lopulta opin itse hyppäämään sängylle ja odottelin siellä jo illalla nukkumaan menoa.
Mutta sitten eräänä iltana minut nostettiinkin kylmästi alas sängystä ja osoitettiin sängyn viereen siirrettyä uutta sänkyäni (joka olohuoneessa olikin kyllä tarpeeton sillä siellä nukun aina sohvalla). Aika järkyttävää käytöstä minun mielestäni! Hyppäsin takaisin sänkyyn pari kertaa ja sama julma hylkääminen yksin lattialle toistui.
Lopulta jouduin luovuttamaan ja nukun nykyään ypöyksin Mamin sängyn vieressä tai välillä sohvallakin. Eikö olekin uskomatonta!
Pitää kehittää joku plan B päästäkseni takaisin sängyn valtiaaksi.
Nuuskimisiin! ^..^
EN: Woof! I have to tell you about something nasty that happened. After weeks of planning and preparations I had finally managed to sneak into Mami's bed a couple of weeks ago. My tactics was to start whining early in the morning and stare at her so she'd eventually lift me on the bed to snuggle for awhile before waking up. I found the bed so comfortable I started to wake her up earlier and earlier during the night and finally she'd let me sleep next to her. In the end I learned to jump on the bed by myself so I was the first one in bed in the evening to secure my position.
But then one evening, out of the blue as I jumped on the bed she cruelly lifted me on the floor and pointed at my bed placed right next to hers. I was confused! I tried jumping back on the bed a couple of times and this horrific abandonment kept happening. In the end I had to give up so now I sleep on the sofa in the living room or in my own bed. But I'm still quite shocked... Have to think of a plan B to become the king of the bed again...
Sniff you soon! ^..^
EN: Woof! I have to tell you about something nasty that happened. After weeks of planning and preparations I had finally managed to sneak into Mami's bed a couple of weeks ago. My tactics was to start whining early in the morning and stare at her so she'd eventually lift me on the bed to snuggle for awhile before waking up. I found the bed so comfortable I started to wake her up earlier and earlier during the night and finally she'd let me sleep next to her. In the end I learned to jump on the bed by myself so I was the first one in bed in the evening to secure my position.
But then one evening, out of the blue as I jumped on the bed she cruelly lifted me on the floor and pointed at my bed placed right next to hers. I was confused! I tried jumping back on the bed a couple of times and this horrific abandonment kept happening. In the end I had to give up so now I sleep on the sofa in the living room or in my own bed. But I'm still quite shocked... Have to think of a plan B to become the king of the bed again...
Sniff you soon! ^..^
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